Rival Fans Tease Liverpool Captain: A Road Besides Anfield Named As “The Slippy G Way”

There were reports in Daily Star that Liverpool Captain Steven Gerrard got trolled by rival fans after few fans named a road beside the Anfield Stadium as “Slippy G Way” referring to the famous slip that cost Liverpool’s first goal against Chelsea last season.

The Liverpool legend lost his footing and watched on Chelsea’s Demba Ba ran away from half-line and scored a goal to give Liverpool’s title hopes a major set-back. And it has emerged that a cheeky football fan from a rival club has gone on to Google maps and changed the name of a road which is just beside Liverpool’s Anfield stadium to ‘Slippy G Way’.

This news has come on the day on which Gerrard was set to announce that he is leaving his boyhood club to sign for MLS side LA Galaxy. The identity of the fan is yet to be revealed but is certain that he should be a supporter of Everton or Manchester United or Chelsea.

Gerrard’s slip will go down as one of the nightmares for him in the Premier League memories as Manchester City raced them to title denying Gerrard his first Premier League medal.

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