The Dark Side Of Football And Dodgy Deals

From player to functionary to sports manager I’ve worked and dealt with a very wide range of Head Coaches or, in the way the Irish and British are wont to say – Managers.  A player simply wants the following from their manager: 1. respect, 2. belief, 3. clear instructions, 4. honesty.  As a functionary or … Read more

2016 Sports Betting Advice For Football

While many sports bettors and handicappers are still focused on their 2015 picks, we’re already busy gathering information and preparing for the coming 2016 sports betting season. There’s plenty of great futures bets already available, which present great payout and odds if you know what you’re doing. From European Premier League Football to America’s National … Read more

What’s Going On With Arsenal, Chelsea And Other English Teams In The Champions League?

The English are having a tough time in Europe at the moment. Three points apiece for Chelsea and Manchester City put them both third on their respective groups; two losses for Arsenal mean they are at the bottom of Group F; and although Man United’s group look fairly equal, manager Louis van Gaal has said … Read more

Double Delight For Arsenal As Superstar Named Euro Star Of The Week, While Tottenham Star Mocked As Worst

Laia Grassi And Alexis Sanchez

A recent report in Spanish newspaper Sport reads out as if it has been written by an Arsenal fan on Tuesday. The paper used to previously pick a European Team of the Week though these days they just pick out a star, ‘Estrella’, a supporting cast – ‘Asteroides’ and a crashed star – ‘Estrellado’. This … Read more

Revealed: Jose Mourinho’s Midfielder To Play For The Next Few Games

Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has now confirmed that Ruben Loftus-Cheek will start the next few games after the international break for his side. The 19-year-old midfielder is presently part of the England Under-21 squad to play against Kazakhstan in Coventry in the upcoming week. However, speculations say that he could be part of the Blues’ squad … Read more

Manchester United Manager Reveals He Was Shocked By Arsenal

louis van gaal

Manchester United boss Louis van Gaal has now raised questions about the “will to win” of his players after a shocking 3-0 defeat against Arsenal at the Emirates on Sunday. The Red Devils gave away all three goals in the opening 19 minutes of the game and the Dutchman talked about his side’s failure to execute the … Read more

Staunch Sisi Supporter Calls For Opening Of Stadia And Dialogue With Ultras

A staunch supporter of general-turned-president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris, has called on the government to allow soccer fans, a pillar of anti-government protest, back into stadia that have largely been closed to the public for nearly five years. Mr. Sawiri’s request on the eve of two African Confederation Cup semi-finals in Cairo … Read more