Buying British And The Cost Of Loyalty

British talent has always been bought and sold at a huge premium but if the ever-churning tabloid rumour mills are anywhere close to the mark then this summer’s transfer window has already seen Manchester United and Liverpool go head to head for such targets three targets at vast cost. Sunderland’s Jordan Henderson has plumped for Merseyside while both Phil Jones of Blackburn and Aston Villa’s Ashley Young appear destined for Old Trafford. Throw in the fee spent on Andy Carroll and the increased price for native youth is even more obvious

As Cracks Appear Across The FIFA Universe

As his words flowed out like endless rain into a journalistic crowd people around the world watched with open mouths. This was supposed to be a press conference to put people’s minds at rest about the issue of corruption in FIFA yet Sepp Blatter sat there brazenly declaring that nothing was going to change his world. Words that he probably imagined as statesman-like wisdom and brilliant rebuttals came across as the slightly deranged responses of a man who’s forgotten exactly why he still needs to appease the uppity peasants in front of him. The 75-year-old FIFA President appeared simultaneously confused and affronted that he was being forced to explain himself to a pack of mangy journalists.

End Of Season Reports For Clubs

And just like that we’re done with another Premier League season. It seems only yesterday that Manchester United were dropping points at Everton, Spurs were thrashing Inter Milan and Sunderland were dreaming of Europe. Since a very hasty super-injunction has legally prevented any levels of actually insight or analysis in RPO we’ll just make do with a teacher’s review of each club:

Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And This Silly Season

Every year the summer transfer market extravaganza promises so much yet tends to deliver so little. Even though increasingly sensational sums change hands each year after the dust has settled the top order tends to remain virtually unchanged. The transfer saga’s that get played out in the media get longer and even more boring year on year and very rarely does one transfer window have a serious transformative effect on the top clubs. However this year could see some genuinely fascinating developments among the contenders for Champions League football.

How The West Brom Was Won

In 2007 Hodgson was brought in to save Fulham from relegation. Although his impact wasn’t initially felt Fulham managed a magnificent end of season and avoided the drop by the skin of their teeth. With West Brom the turnaround has been far quicker and more impressive. A defeat against Chelsea aside, West Brom have been excellent so far under Hodgson, culminating in a victory over city rivals Aston Villa. While Fulham barely stayed in the top flight when Hodgson took over, West Brom will not only remain in the Premier League but will end the season in the sort of form which, if extrapolated out over 38 games, would see them challenging for Europa League places.