Arsene Wenger’s Legacy is Intact, But His Reputation is Fading

Arsene Wenger’s Legacy is Intact, But His Reputation is Fading It was never meant to end like this. Like a good Hollywood movie, Arsene Wenger was supposed to ride off into the sunset with the grateful Arsenal townsfolk cheering behind him. But not like this, where he is the mad scientist, locked in the castle’s … Read more

Arsene Wenger and his legacy – Why the world will miss him when he retires?

When one talks about teams in the Premier League, many come to my mind. There are a few that stand out though and one of those continue to be Arsenal. The Gunners are an English powerhouse side by every measure and if they have reached such great heights, it all comes down to one man … Read more

End of an era: Olivier Giroud, the modern-day Arsenal legend

End of an era: Olivier Giroud, the modern-day Arsenal legend When Arsenal announced that Olivier Giroud has joined Chelsea on a permanent deal in the dying hours of the January transfer window, it pulled at the heartstrings of every single Gunners’ fan. The towering Frenchman joined the club at a time when the fans were … Read more

Bidding Adieu To The Little Mozart – A Look At Tomas Rosicky’s Life And Career

Bidding Adieu To The Little Mozart – A Look At Tomas Rosicky’s Life And Career When it comes to football, the fans feel very strongly about two sets of footballers – the ones they dislike and the ones they love. As far as the first group is concerned, a good majority of people tend to … Read more

English Premier League – An Era Of Underrated Players

English Premier League – Rating The Underrated Players Ever since the Premier League began, we have had the good fortune of watching some of the best footballers play against each other. These players were famous for their many talents on the field and even today, there are so many players in the league that are worshipped … Read more

The Art Of Finishing – A Look At Alexandre Lacazette’s Meteoric Rise

The Art Of Finishing – A Look At Alexandre Lacazette’s Meteoric Rise Over the years, Arsenal have been starved of a strong finisher up front. It is certainly not easy to find a forward who is strong at finishing. Take a look at Liverpool’s Mohamed Salah, for example. He is excelling on all fronts for the … Read more

Can Harry Winks Handle And Rise Above The Jack Wilshere-Esque Hype?

Harry Winks

The world of Premier League football can be a harsh place for any youngster striving to achieve their dreams. More than anything else, it is tough to even get the chance to make a mark but even after you do that, there are very little chances of maintaining that momentum due to lack of opportunities. … Read more

Meet the Runners and Riders in the race to replace Arsene Wenger

It’s coming to the time of the season when Arsene Wenger must make the decision on his contract renewal. At any other club, the Frenchman’s future would be out of his hands but this is Arsenal and this is Wenger. The board of directors – and more importantly, majority shareholder Stan Kroenke – are content … Read more