TFR Hero/Villain Of The Week

TFR Hero of the week:

The Premier League.

If there was any more evidence needed to justify the media consensus that the English Premier League is the greatest on the planet, then this weekend’s action surely confirmed it. Many individual heroes could have been selected for this week’s title, but choosing one would have resulted in the neglection of the weekend’s other triumphant moments. In all, Saturday’s 8 EPL games saw an unbelievable 41 goals being scored. Ignoring the chance of this article spilling over with hyperbole, it can safely be said that by the time MOTD had wrapped up I was completely exhausted. One particular highlight was Cheik Tiote’s screamer against Arsenal to complete Newcastle’s second half comeback from 4-0 down. Despite being a neutral in this game (as a Toffee fan) I found myself caught up in the sheer drama of the Toon’s comeback. In a week where ‘linogate’ resulted in English football taking an inadvertent blow in the moral stakes, Saturday’s goal-fest brought back the nation’s love of the Premier League.

TFR Villain of the Week

Rafael Benitez

‘Rafa’ Benitez, Liverpool’s former man at the reins, decided to put forward his hopes to possibly return to Anfield in the future.

Personally, I felt that Rafa’s comments represented an unsubtle plea to be considered to be reinstated back at Liverpool.
Mr. Benitez, your services are no longer required.
Rafa’s comments on his wish to manage the club in the future came at a time when Liverpool’s managerial stability is in question, and coupled with the Spaniard’s current period of unemployment, his intentions are quite clear. This coming from the same man who, when he was sitting proudly on his pedestal as Inter manager, stated about successor Roy Hodgson: ‘Every single press conference is even worse than the last one. He’s talking about things that he doesn’t know. And some people cannot see a priest on a mountain of sugar.’ This previous comment shows that Benitez has pounced on the opportunity to snipe at Liverpool in the past, and has held animosity towards them since his dismissal last year.
This weeks comments suggest another example of Benitez acting up, trying to encourage any instability at Liverpool to possibly allow for his heroic return.
Liverpool’s vital 1-0 away win against Chelsea suggests that their instability may have come to an end and, unfortunately for him, the train for a messiah’s return departed a few week’s ago…

Now, enjoy the highlights from what will be remembered as one of the greatest comebacks in top flight football history.

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