Messi in France

Before today you wouldn’t of heard of Cédric Enjolras, and if you haven’t then you’re on the same bus as me because neither had I. That was until this morning when I read that the French binge drinker had made a slightly audacious bid to sign Lionel Messi in January for his pub team, FC Borne (nothing to do with me I hasten to add), after a heavy session on the town.

Cédric was out with the lads on the drink when they got the wise idea that they should make a formal request to sign the Argentine wizard. What’s the worst that could happen after all; they get an official rejection letter from Barca? You would think so… but instead the move backfired when the French Federation took a break from slating their atrocious national side to block the deal reaching Barca’s board room.

In the ultimate egg-on-face moment, the French FA then suspended Enjolras for six months and a none-amused spokesman revealed that they ‘could not accept such behaviour.’ In the words of compatriot Wenger, he didn’t see that one coming, and now Borne face months of uncertainty.

Messi, who scored twice as the Catalans taught a weary Arsenal how to play football on Tuesday night, is unlikely to fancy a move to the south of France. That said it seems very harsh to suspend FC Borne’s chief for what should ultimately be a free system.

Needless to say, the King’s Head of Lanchester, (Durham) have withdrawn their approach for Kaka…

Simon Bourne!/I3orny 

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