If Carlsberg made football fans… they’d brew them in Poland

Standing on a cold wintery day in the Donny Road end of Glanford Park, four-zip down in a relegation battle, can often prove a drab affair. The same cannot be said if you’re a fan of Lech Poznan’s U11 team. You might have seen Man City’s replica of Poznan’s ‘turn your back on the game and jump up and down’ fanfare after their Europa League meeting inspired the Blue’s fans to copy. Well they’re U11 supporters probably go that step further …

No that’s not Peter Crouch taking time out to ref a game, it’s a children’s 5-a-side game between Spurs’ youngsters and the Lech U11 boys. Throw in a few flags, some banners, the odd flare, blue shirts and a splash of irate clapping, and there you have the mixture for what can only be the best fans in the world!

Simon Bourne

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