City have Hart

Exactly five years ago today City set out to play a League tie at, what was then, the City of Manchester Stadium.

The opposition that day was Sheffield United and the game was goalless however it was also the first time City fans got to catch a quick glimpse of City Goalkeeper, Joe Hart.

He was only given his chance because of the injuries to Andreas Isaksson and Nicky Weaver and Weaver would return to stopper duty in the next game.

Hart then spent the next few seasons out on loan to various clubs.

First Tranmere, where he started six times and then to Blackpool where he started one less. He returned to City and made a combined  65 appearences in all competitions from 2007 through to the end of May, 2009 keeping 21 clean sheets in the process.

He was then loaned out to another Premiership side for the duration of the 2009/10 season to Birmingham where he started all but two games, against his parent club, City and kept ten clean sheets.

Without a doubt he returned to City and had a stellar season starting 54 times in all competitions keeping 29 clean sheets, including one against United in the FA Cup Semi Final and one in the Final itself. He did, however, gift an opposing team a goal in the earlier round to force an unwanted replay but all’s well that ends well.

Internationally he really hasn’t been given the chance at the senior level, with Capello reluctant to go to Hart after Greens mishap against the Americans. Hart has only appeared for the English National team a total of six times conceding a mere 2 goals.

In Joe Hart, Manchester City have themselves another diamond between the sticks.

If he can keep his head and confidence then there will be nothing this young guy cannot achieve. He will improve and I have no doubt in years to come he will be mentioned in the same breath as Swift, Trautmann and Corrigan.

If the next England manager was looking to change things up Internationally then he needs only to look at letting James collect his pension and give Joe his time in the spotlight. 

PA Cityboy

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