Play on Suarez

Since the pint-sized Uruguayan flashed up on the radar of many Liverpool fans, he has been greeted by what is beginning to feel like a continuous standing ovation. Most, myself included, would have known very little of the forward prior to his explosion onto the hallowed turf at Anfield.

In fact, prior to the World Cup in South Africa 2010 and the infamous handball on the line, which saw Suarez get sent of but single handily managing to seal their path into the next round, whilst the rest of the neutral world spat in disgust at the fact that cheats do in fact prosper,  sending home Ghana for whom most of the world  had reserved a special place in their heart, no one really knew anything of the player.

Then came his arrival at Anfield. A bargain that nobody could have foresaw. The player has been the player of this calendar year, without doubt. No one has caught the imagination of the Premier League quite like Suarez has. In fact, in my opinion, he is cut from the same cloth as Carlos Tevez, except of course, he is happy to play football. 

However, for all of his hard work, skill and tenacious character that has endeared him to the Anfield faithful, whilst more or less, ensuring a spot in the Liverpool hall of fame already, the forward has one down side to his game which is currently eating away at my love for the miniature man. His constant moaning. 

It seems that hardly a minute passes without the player moaning, sarcastically applauding, protesting, begging or hitting the floor in anger. All such behaviour exceeds is an easy caution and a rise in my blood pressure. 

For me, no player worth his salt would behave in such a sulky, unprofessional manor. I understand his frustration, but such behaviour will lead to suspensions and nothing more, and serve as little less than a futile waste of energy. 

Nothing winds me up more than a whinging player, Fernando Torres was and is good at crying and moaning, I hope that Suarez can steer clear of such a path. For me, good behaviour is a must for any true legend of the game. 

I don’t think anyone can deny that Suarez has had many decisions go against him in recent weeks; fouls, free-kicks and potential penalties that haven’t been.  But, the player needs to alter his game if this is to change. As someone who has already picked up a reputation for moaning, falling down a lot and waving his arms out in general protest, he is only harming his own opportunities of winning a fair decision in the future. 

After all, once you have a reputation as a moaning player, or someone who spends a lot of time on the turf, it has always impacted on a referees decision making process. 

So, I am hoping for his sake, and that of my blood pressure, that instead of moaning, Suarez finds it within himself to use his built up frustration to play on and try and win the ball back, instead of whinging on the turf, then who knows what kind of a legend he can become……

Martyn Edwards

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