So Arsene, what to do about Park and Arshavin ?

What, Arsene, can you come up with … or is it going to be more of the same ?

     Park played really well  ……  “ He showed intelligent link play and the quality of his goal was exceptional. His finishing is absolutely fantastic. For me (AW) he has shown tonight that he is a very good player. He’s ready to play for league games.“ 

So does Park still sit about until RVP is injured or rested … because you (AW) only like one central striker – and that’s it ? Or will you put him on the pitch anywhere – like on the wing – as with other central strikers who couldn’t play well out wide ?

      Arshavin made the difference – in patches …  ” Andrey is a player who of course takes a bit gamble on nearly every ball he plays. Sometimes he loses balls he shouldn’t lose but when you look at the game he has always had a big impact. Tonight he scored and made an assist. He had a good performance tonight.”

But, Arsene, he was, mainly, in that roving role behind a main striker, the role which made for his brilliant past and where his rather ordinary pace matters less. Are you determined Arshavin should be kept, basically, out on the wing where he can’t dictate the attacking plays and where he is useless tracking back and defending ?

If you were ‘Arry from Xhite Hart Lane you would use a more varied tactical approach to make the most use of key players (eg. Modric). I read that you reckon if we used Park and Arshavin or, of course, RVP down the middle plus 2 wingers – we would be too exposed in midfield. Well how can other teams do it?  If Arshavin can’t operate like Rooney – scoring, assisting a front runner AND working back in midfield – RVP can. Otherwise don’t use 2 high risk wingers at the same time. We could play Gervinho plus an orthodox midfielder – with (sorry but) Theo 2nd to Gervinho … or Theo in the centre which all fans wants to try.

Other teams can switch to different tactical formations, according to the manager’s reading of the match at hand. The more, Arsene, you stick to your inflexible obsessions the more you fail to make best use of the talent at your disposal.


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