Is another club legend set to manage Chelsea?

The Chelsea managerial debate has been one which has been of intense discussion in recent weeks.

Benitez making his latest footballing outburst has certainly put the nail in the coffin of any hopes of him securing the role for the long term. He is not bothered.

What is of concern is who will fill the void and expectation he will leave behind in west London. There has been discussion of Jose Mourinho.

The move would make sense from a lot of perspectives but is he really now the “only one” as he calls himself for the job.

Roberto Di Matteo may have failed to please Roman Abramovich but he did deliver what was once the insurmountable task of winning the Champions League.

The Russian owner is a proud man and you suspect he would not want to go back into the past at all costs, but may learn his lessons from Di Matteo.

He may be aware that with the fans confidence in his ownership and performances on the pitch at all time low a fan favourite at the helm may be just the tonic.

Steve Clarke is an option after an impressive spell at West Brom although question marks remain over whether he has a bold enough personality and temperament to step in at Stamford Bridge. All would be not lost should look for another club hero past him.

There are a few very respectable boss’s too in Gus Poyet and Gianfranco Zola who both look ready to make the step up to the Premier League.

They could even come in as a duo of manager and Assistant if Abramovich could pull it off. The Chelsea project needs time and nuture and some patience, so who better to deliver it than former players still with deep affiliation with the club?