Iniesta and Zidane , One of a kind (video)



Ever since I started watching football, I have seen a lot of great players come and go, with their names being mentioned once a year just to pay homage to the way they changed the game. The Brazilian terrorizing pair of Luiz Ronaldo and Rivaldo, Portugals greatest sons of football Rui Costa, Maniche, Figo and Italys Inzaghi, Maldini and Pirlo just to name a few. All the players have added something special to the game and changed football completely. However there are two players that no matter what your football conversation was about, their names always seem to pop up.

 The French born Midfield General, Zinedine “Zizou” Zidane. He is undoubtedly the greatest player and possibly the greatest footballer to have ever stepped on the field. Not the smallest of players by a long shot but he was light on his toes, stayed on his feet, quick movement off the ball, could pin point a player anywhere on that field and need I mention his keen and sharp eye for goal. The Spanish International and Barcelona engine Andries Iniesta. This is by far the only play that has ever come close to the Great Zizou. His ability to read the game comes second to none. This midfield maestro is the Barcelona were able to tag their football and “Perfect Football”

To these two players that showcase the magician like attributes when it comes to this beautiful game. I say thank you.  


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