Arsenal and Spurs: the fight for fourth

This is it then, the final weekend of Premier League action until play resumes in mid-August.

I, for one, am amazed at how quickly the season has gone and slightly dismayed that we will all have to wait another three months until we get our next slice of footballing action. Unless you choose to have a ridiculously long Fifa session which takes you up to the start of the new season. I hope this is what some of you will be doing because it is certainly what I will be doing.

Anyway, with the league title wrapped up and three teams already relegated the last thing to decided is who grabs that coveted final Champions League spot. It comes down to the two north London rivals Spurs and Arsenal and all Arsene Wenger’s men have to do is win at Newcastle and they will have guaranteed Champions League football for yet another year. It is their trademark, no?

Arsenal have shown, however, that they are prone to the occasional wobble (not recently, though) and Spurs will be hoping that come 4pm on Sunday that the Gunners get a case of the jitters and allow them to sneak in the back door.

Andre Villas Boas’s team have to beat Sunderland at home, too, but, ultimately, it is now out of their hands despite having a seven point lead on their neighbours following victory in the north London derby in March. So, really, they only have themselves to blame.

It will be a tense affair, though, and Arsenal fans will remember this scenario from last year as they had to defeat West Brom in order to qualify for the Champions League. 

For both sets of fans it will be, to borrow a phrase from some old retired football manager, squeaky bum time.