Everton ace could move to Manchester United


Everton Chairman Bill Kenwright yesterday broke with tradition and chose a bright June afternoon rather than the December Christmas party to demonstrate how to make a new employee squirm with embarrassment.

Literally seconds after confirming Roberto Martinez as the replacement for David Moyes, Kenwright proceeded to pile the pressure on the incoming boss by revealing in unnecessary detail the content of their meeting.

Not least that Martinez has promised to deliver Champions League football to his new club; you could actually see the blood drain from the former Wigan manager’s face when that little nugget was disclosed.

Apparently Pep Guardiola called him straight after to sympathise, saying that he doesn’t envy Martinez the challenge of being a new manager having to live up to such exalted expectations.

 There was horror in the Spaniards eyes every time Kenwright spoke, as if he was wracking his brain to recall what other vague promise he might have made to get himself the job.

The theatre impresario rather like Martinez previous chairman Dave Whelan can be prone to loose talk.

He has now apparently confirmed that Everton midfield man mountain Marouane Fellaini could be on his way to Manchester United due to a clause in his contract that Moyes is aware of.

This admission is in contrast to previous protestations that his players were all happy and content:
“They don’t want to go. Not one person has even half-indicated to me that the change will mean a change for them.”

Apart from I’m guessing the one with a clause in his contract who will request a change as soon as someone triggers it.

It will be interesting to see how the relationship with Martinez and Kenwright develops at Goodison.

You can imagine under Moyes, despite the Glaswegians obvious fondness for the lifelong Evertonian, he would have made it clear in words of one syllable that he didn’t want his chairman quoted in the press on a daily basis, It remains to be seen whether Martinez can implement a similar stipulation.

Allen Whyte


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