Arsenal star to leave this summer



The muted departure of Arsenal forward Andrey Arshavin should serve as a timely reminder to supporters everywhere that spending big money on big names doesn’t ever guarantee success.

The diminutive, nay dwarf-like attacker arrived at the Emirates in a wave of excitement following a £15million transfer in 2009.

The January deal which was completed somewhere around mid March represented a huge outlay for Arsene Wenger and something of a change in policy.

He had not previously been a fan of the winter transfer window or indeed spending money but he appeared to put his personal beliefs to one side and snapped up the Russian captain.

I wonder how many times during the last four years he has berated himself for not persevering with his original philosophy.

Arshavin after a promising start at the club has pretty much disappeared from view in the last two seasons. A brief loan to his previous club Zenit in 2012 did little to reignite the missing spark back into his game.

He returned to Arsenal where his lack of form and apparent interest did little to improve an already failing relationship with Gunners fans.

All supporters love when new players come into their club particularly if they are players of a stature that should noticeably improve the team.

Generally these types of players will be expensive and the expectation and excitement when they arrive will be tangible.

One of the numerous drawbacks of the transfer window system is that these spells of intense speculation are concentrated into just a few months of the year.

Supporters at the end of a disappointing season feel the club owe them and should therefore splash out to improve an underperforming team.

Supporters who have had a successful year expect the club to build on that success to ensure rivals are not closing the gap with their purchases.

I imagine to clubs it must sometimes feel like a no win situation, if they spend big and the player flops then they shouldn’t have bought him, if he does well then it’s an example of why they should spend big more often.

In the end it boils down to a little bit of good judgement and a lot of luck, there’s no manager alive who has got every deal right.

Allen Whyte


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