Will we see a regenerated Fulham next season?

With Fulham being the latest Premier League club to be taken over and with a new influx of wealth injected into the club, will this be a new dawn of success for the London club?

Always so underwhelming, Fulham, for me, have always been one of the less entertaining teams to watch, but with Shahid Khan’s facially clad upper lip and money inject some much needed life into the mid table club? I’m sure the fans will be hoping so, as will the neutrals for the sake of boredom. The only real stir Fulham have managed to cause was when Roy “The Owl” Hodgson was in charge and managed to get the club to the Europa Cup final and realistically the only other news Fulham have managed to drum up is that Michael Jackson statue, which again somehow managed to find its way into the talk of the takeover press conference and this very article, “Shamone” “Hehe” and all that one glove business.

So with the only real standout player at Craven Cottage at the minute being the nonchalant Dimitar Berbatov, the funds for players to add to that calibre of footballer must surely be made available by Khan and maybe, oh just ever so maybe will we see a pressured Berbatov, possibly or even the miniscule chance Dimitar might see his position threatened he might take his usual casual stroll, to a finer, more brisk power walk around the pitch, it is highly unlikely though.

The money comes and goes as does the players and from the looking glass one must take of his hat to the job Mohammed Al Fayed has done, taking Fulham from the third tier to the brink of European glory and Premier League consistency. Always a colourful character, always eccentric, but this takeover does spell a new age in Fulham’s history and that must be exciting for the fans.  Time will be the teller for Fulham and Shaid Khan’s money will inevitably play a major part, but with a purposefully non mention of Martin Jol in this article, that pretty much sums up how football is much, much more than the manager and for me that’s wrong, Jol will stay no doubt, but will HE be the man to take Fulham on to the next level? That’s the question we should be asking.

By Michael King 

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