Why the first winter World Cup in 92 years is a bad idea

Can Sepp Blatter become any more ridiculous than he already has? The answer is of course yes, but the worrying thing is that this imbecile of a man is currently one of the most powerful men in world football.

Blatter and FIFA are in the news this week because of the proposed switch of the 2022 World Cup from a summer tournament to a winter tournament because the heat would be too much in the host country Qatar during June and July.

Why even take Qatar into consideration as a host country if it is already known that the weather would be far too intense for football games to take place? Surely Blatter and his FIFA cohorts knew that the climate in Qatar was really bloody warm and that hosting a summer tournament there might cause a few problems? The decision to host a World Cup in Qatar was motivated by money and was done without sensible thought into what problems might arise as a result.

We all know Blatter is corrupt don’t we? His re-election as president of the world footballing body was a joke as he was the only one left running. Also, you’d think FIFA were running low on cash with all the international friendlies they insist on putting on throughout the domestic season. There is absolutely no need for all the friendlies; they only serve as money makers for those in power who, ironically, are the last people that need a little extra cash.

So, it is looking increasingly likely that there will indeed be a winter World Cup in 2022. How will the Premier League fit in a World Cup with their busy Christmas schedule? Remember, it is the only league in Europe that doesn’t take the month off during the festive period. Will England pull out as a result? Michel Platini has raised some concerns that the timing of the tournament will clash with Champions League. Will fans be happy to travel to Qatar at a time when financial resources generally take a hit with all that present buying? 

The idea of a winter World Cup already brings with it a host of problems and we are nine years away from it even happening. If you thought Blatter, the man in charge, couldn’t become even more farcical….well, it has happened.