Bad Boy Balotelli in last chance saloon

Twelve games into Balotelli’s debut English season has gifted City with six goals but with a disciplinary record to rival that of Roy Keane and Patrick Vieira (nine yellows and two reds) patience with players and fans for the feisty Italian may be wearing thinner than ever before.

A lesson from Mexico for Chelsea & Abramovich

A rather unpleasant and expensive disagreement continues to rumble on this week between the French and the Mexicans. Allow me to offer those of you who haven’t anywhere near the amount of free time I have to observe these delicate matters, a brief rundown of the story so far.

What’s that on your head??

There’s no doubt there’s potential there and I’m sure he could be a very good player, but mate sort your hair out would you? I don’t even know how to describe it apart from baffling, short at the sides and the back and on the top the ends of a sweeping brush stuck up by the looks of it and he thinks this looks good?

Trautmann, a real legend

So I sat down flicking the channels the other day when I came across the Bert Trautmann story, a goalkeeper for Manchester City mainly in the 50’s and 60’s, he was the first German player to play in a Wembley Cup final and is famously known for breaking his neck vs Birmingham in the 1956 cup final and carrying on leading Manchester City to a 3-1 victory.

Iron One Bury Knill

So it’s official, ex Iron centre-half Alan Knill will take the reins at Glanford Park. The comparatively young gaffer has left Bury’s Gigg Lane after clearing his desk en route back to Scunthorpe, some 14 years after leaving.